Disney’s first joint animated venture with Marvel “Big Hero 6,” premiered in Hollywood on Tuesday, November 4th. The film centers around a young robotics prodigy Hiro (voiced by Ryan Potter) and Baymax (Scott Adsit), a robot whose purpose is to take care of people. When a criminal plot threatens their city of San Fansokyo, Hiro enlists his tech-savy friends to help the city.
Stars of the film Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, Jamie Chung, TJ Miller, Damon Wayans, Genesis Rodriguez, Maya Rudolph, and many others walked the red carpet at the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood, CA. Fall Out Boy, The Office‘s Angela Kinsey, Karina Smirnoff, Kevin Smith, and R5 were among the many celebrities also in attendance.
“Big Hero 6″ is out tomorrow (November 7th).
Photography by Rosemary Vega.