Fresh off the news that “Extant” won’t be back for a 2016 summer season, CBS announced they’re ordering 13 episodes of Steven-Spielberg-produced mystery series “American Gothic.”...
After blessing us with the hilarious sketch comedy show “30 Rock” and the latest Netflix breakout sitcom, “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” Tina Fey is at it...
Nicki Minaj has been teasing her fans with a surprise, and today that surprise was finally revealed. ABC Family has picked up a comedy series...
The air outside is getting cooler, school is back in session and if you live in L.A., traffic suddenly went from horrible to Armageddon in...
After all the hype leading up to (and the plethora of headlines that came immediately following) the two hour series premiere of “Scream Queens,” it’s safe...
“Game of Thrones” may have won a record-breaking 12 Emmy Awards on Sunday night, but the night on the whole was all about firsts. There...
Summer, the season of sand, surf, and sun… we’re sad to see you go, but with all the upcoming TV goodness in the weeks ahead,...
Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg are once again tied to a legen—wait for it—dary comic book TV series. The duo responsible for “Arrow” and “The...
The first look for “Arrow” season 4 has finally arrived. The CW released the trailer which reveals a complete new costume for Oliver Queen (Stephen...
The Lakewood killer was finally revealed on Tuesday, and our theory on his, or her, identity may or may not have been completely right (definitely...