As graduation season comes into full bloom, high school seniors are finding out who won their class favorites. The “Most Likely to Succeed,” superlative probably...
Troy Lowney, Brennan Smiley and Mike (Nico) Nicolette. Photo by Rosemary Vega. At the beginning of April, the Technicolors released a brand new EP, “Ultraviolet...
The Maine‘s latest album, American Candy is a far departure from their previous record, Forever Halloween. With a little less than two years in between albums, American Candy...
Spring is finally among us and what better way to welcome the warm weather than with concerts? New tours are announced everyday it seems, and...
Halloween is quickly creeping up on us, and while most of us are spending our time preparing costumes and securing party plans, The Maine will...
The Landmark Theater in Los Angeles rolled out the red carpet for the premiere of “You’re Not You.” Academy Award winner Hilary Swank and...
Producer Laura Rister, actor Bruce Dern and director Matt Shakman With TV credits for shows like Mad Men, New Girl, Fargo, and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia already under...
The Egyptian Theater in Hollywood hosted the star studded premiere of the upcoming comedy “10 Rules for Sleeping Around” Tuesday night. The raunchy rom-com follows...
One things for sure: Nick Santino does not like to be adventurous with his food, but does like to be with music. We sat down...
The New Year is in full swing and many of us are setting our sights on making our New Year’s resolutions a reality. Of course,...