The opening credits boast that X-Factor has launched the career of “more global stars than any other singing competition in the world.” Cher Lloyd, and...
“Saturday Night Live” announced it’s first hosts and performers today. The show will return September 28th, with Tina Fey serving as host for her fourth...
HBO released the first trailer for it’s new original show, “True Detective,” tonight before the season premiere of “Boardwalk Empire.” The show, starring Matthew McConaughey...
“Rizzoli & Isles” star, Lee Thompson Young’s funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at the Paramount Studios lot where the show is filmed. The...
Former “Jett Jackson” star and “Rizzoli & Isles” cast member, Lee Thompson Young was found dead in his North Hollywood apartment Monday. He was 29-years-old....
Lea Michele made her first public appearance since the death of her “Glee” co-star and real life boyfriend, Cory Monteith, at the Teen Choice Awards...
Celebrities and fans gathered at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles on Sunday for the Teen Choice Awards. Check out who took home the coveted...
The nominees for the MTV Movie Awards were announced today. The winners will be announced live for Los Angeles, CA on April 14th, with host,...
Wednesday’s part two of The Playoffs on The Voice showed Team Christina and Team CeeLo’s contestants. After a recap of Team Blake and Team Adam’s...
Last night on The Voice began the live “Play-offs” round with Team Adam and Team Blake. Each team will go down from 5 to 3,...