With the exception of a couple of superhero movies earlier in the summer, the summer block buster has been struggling, but “The Wolverine” is looking...
Shortly after some of the cast of “Guardians of the Galaxy” made a surprise appearance at Comic-Con last weekend in San Diego, Marvel confirmed another...
You know your film isn’t off to a good start when the first headlines revolve around it being booed at the Cannes Film Festival. As...
Last year at Comic-Con, Marvel unveiled its plans to make a Guardians of the Galaxy film and gave a sneak peak at some concept art,...
After years of making huge Comic-Con appearances, fans know to expect big sneak peaks and great entertainment from Marvel and this year was no different....
‘Man of Steel” packs quite a wallop. A few too many wallops, as it turns out. But that doesn’t seriously sully this latest Superman movie,...
“Top Chef” alum, Stefan Richter, will celebrate his 15th anniversary in the U.S. this week with a special anniversary menu at his restaurant L.A. Farm....
Nothing enhances a moving going experience more than a good score. The visuals in a movie can be stunning, the cinematography can be flawless, but...
Disney kicked off the first day of Comic-Con with a special press conference promoting three of the studio’s upcoming movies, “Frankenweenie,” “Oz the Great and...
With hot summmer weather already taking over New York, what better way to cool down than with ice cream? Emack & Bolio’s SoHo, known as...