American Idol has changed its format. The contestants will be split into two groups of 12, one performing this week, the others next. Each singer...
It’s time for the final judgement on American Idol. All 51 contestants performed solo once again, this time in front of a real crowd. It was...
Despite my sarcasm and pessimism towards Amereican Idol, I really do love this show. For it’s predictability, for the talent and lack therefore; it’s entertaining....
It’s time for the dreaded group round on American Idol. The 108 contestants who have made it through will be tested to their limits, people...
After weeks of auditions, American Idol has finally reached Hollywood week. It’s really a shame that this is the last season of Idol (WHICH WE...
The Hollywood Foreign Press announced the nominations for the 73th Annual Golden Globes on Thursday morning. Todd Haynes’ period piece “Carol” (based on the book...
The nominations for the 2016 Grammy Awards were announced Monday, and to nobody’s surprise, Kendrick Lamar, Taylor Swift and The Weeknd led the pack with...
Who doesn’t love a reunion tour? Andrew McMahon has confirmed that Jack’s Mannequin will come back together for a series of “Everything In Transit” 10-year anniversary...
Jennifer Lawrence has starred in a few box office franchises (“Hunger Games” and “X-Men”), is the highest paid actress in Hollywood, has won an Oscar,...
The 2015 American Music Awards on Nov. 22 brought out some of music’s hottest stars to the Microsoft Theater in LA — and with them came a...