Netflix has provided a straight-to-series order for a 13 episode mini series based on the novel, “13 Reasons Why.” Playwright Brian Yorkey will write the...
While we might be used to seeing Zac Efron as a frat boy a la “Neighbors,” it’s actually Robert De Niro whose wild antics are...
Aca-awesome! Elizabeth Banks will be directing the upcoming musical comedy “Pitch Perfect 3,” according to Variety. Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, and Rebel Wilson will all...
Despite four new films premiering wide and a critic favored film expanding wide, Ridley Scott’s “The Martian” starring Matt Damon took the top spot at...
One Direction has cancelled their first show in five years! The announcement confused fans everywhere, especially since the group seemed to act like it was...
Sources have confirmed to TV Line that Netflix will be home to a limited series revival of “Gilmore Girls.” Netflix has reportedly closed a deal...
After 22 cycles, “America’s Next Top Model” will be coming to an end. The CW confirmed that the current cycle will be the modeling competition...
Joe Jonas and Charlie Puth made an appearance on “Good Morning America” to announce this years American Music Awards nominations. After the year Taylor Swift...
Be still, my beating fan girl heart! AJ McLean has single handedly excited 90s girls everywhere with a simple possibility. While promoting his latest solo...
The highly anticipated Sony “Ghostbusters” reboot will see cameos from nearly all the living original cast- Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver....