The past week, Hollywood Blvd. has been crowded beyond normal. Replacing the tourists were filmmakers, critics, and eager movie goers, all catching various films at...
Disney’s first joint animated venture with Marvel “Big Hero 6,” premiered in Hollywood on Tuesday, November 4th. The film centers around a young robotics prodigy...
It’s a good time to be Taylor Swift. Her fifth studio album, 1989 sold 1.287 million records in its first week, according to Nielsen Soundscan....
From Uber to Spotify, it’s no secret that our world has become all about on demand services. We want things available at our fingertips from...
One Direction released the music video for “Steal My Girl,” their first single from their next album, “Four.” The video is full of bizarre moments,...
With just a little over a month until the next installment of “The Hunger Games” is released, fans are growing in anticipation. Lionsgate has slowly...
Halloween is quickly creeping up on us, and while most of us are spending our time preparing costumes and securing party plans, The Maine will...
The Landmark Theater in Los Angeles rolled out the red carpet for the premiere of “You’re Not You.” Academy Award winner Hilary Swank and...
In two unexpected moves, Ed Sheeran stars (rather than making a cameo) as a ballroom dancer in the music video for “Thinking Out Loud.” The...
Katherine Heigl and Patrick Wilson star as perfect husband and wife, Mona and Don Champagne, in Anthony Burns’ dark comedy, “Home Sweet Hell.” Jordana Brewster...