Disney’s first joint animated venture with Marvel “Big Hero 6,” premiered in Hollywood on Tuesday, November 4th. The film centers around a young robotics prodigy...
From Uber to Spotify, it’s no secret that our world has become all about on demand services. We want things available at our fingertips from...
Halloween is quickly creeping up on us, and while most of us are spending our time preparing costumes and securing party plans, The Maine will...
The Landmark Theater in Los Angeles rolled out the red carpet for the premiere of “You’re Not You.” Academy Award winner Hilary Swank and...
Stars gathered at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday, September 27th to celebrate eight incredible dogs that truly remind us all why these four legged...
We are giving away two pairs of tickets for a Logitech event this Thursday in Los Angeles! This event will feature musical performances, custom cocktails...
One things for sure: Nick Santino does not like to be adventurous with his food, but does like to be with music. We sat down...
Snow may not be something you generally equate with Los Angeles, but the streets outside the El Capitan theater were transformed into a winter wonderland,...
The AFI Film Festival has a lot to offer in the way of gala films and seasoned actors, but while the big event on Friday...
NOVEMEBR 1 – “I’m going to be brutally honest… This is one of my favorite shows,” frontman Jesse Rutherford told the sold out crowd at...