This Wednesday begins the Judge’s House round on X Factor, which determines the contestants who will move on to the live shows. Each judge will...
Everyone’s in love during the summer: Barney and Quinn, Ted and Victoria, Robin and Nick, and of course, Lily and Marshall. Fast forward to October,...
She’s probably rolling her eyes at all the headlines since she wants to “do this on her own.” Last night, Sophie Tweed-Simmon’s package before her...
Before recapping the first episode of HIMYM’s eighth season, here’s a quick recap of how season seven ended. Ted attempted to run away with Victoria,...
Survivor: Philippines won the night on Wednesday with 11.37 million viewers. X Factor was up slightly from last Wednesday with 9.54 million viewers, beating a...
The end of summer vacation marks the beginning of two things: School, and the start of new seasons on TV. Although it’s still early for...
The 2012 summer Olympicsended in spectacular fashion Sunday night with a plethora of performances by some of the UK’s greatest artists. It was an extravagant...
The nominations for the 2011 Critic’s Choice Awards were announced today. ABC’s Modern Family led the pack with the most nominations (a total of 6!),...
HTS went to the two-day taping for Taylor Swift’s Thanksgiving Special “Speak Now” which will air on Thanksgiving (November 25) on NBC. On Monday, Taylor...
I was invited to attend a special acoustic performance by Selena Gomez for MTV’s The Seven today (09/24) in New York City. Unfortunately, no cameras...