After tonight’s latest episode of Glee, FOX aired a short promo for next weeks episode, “The Quarterback,” a farewell to Finn, and Cory Monteith. The...
This week on X Factor we finally discovered how the “Four Chair challenge” works. Each contestant is to perform in front of the four judges....
The second (or technically, third?) episode of the very last season of How I Met Your Mother provided all sorts of awesomeness- although we still...
As of Sept. 22, it is officially fall and for you TV fanatics out there that means two things, discovering great new shows and watching...
With tonight’s episode of X Factor, we have finally come to the end of the auditions. Perhaps we’ll see some hidden talents the producers decided...
The show opens up with a clip of their number one claim to fame (kind of) One Direction! Has someone made a drinking game for...
The premiere of the very last season of “How I Met your Mother” revealed little new information, but it was enough to keep fans on...
The Emmy’s were made to celebrate achievements in television, but let’s face it, the real reason many of watch award shows is to see what...
X-Factor finally showed some real talent tonight when the auditions continued in Los Angeles, Charleston, and Long Island. As always, the auditions featured the horrendous,...
Tonight, X Factor had two more hours of auditions. The auditions, which took place in Denver, CO and Long Island, NY, were nothing more than...