“Ain’t Them Bodies Saints,” directed by David Lowery, is a film we’ve all seen before, and yet delivers a unique experience. The film, also written...
There have been rumors for over a decade, and it is finally happening. Deltron 3030, after releasing a self-titled album in 2000, has released a...
Lea Michele made her first public appearance since the death of her “Glee” co-star and real life boyfriend, Cory Monteith, at the Teen Choice Awards...
Celebrities and fans gathered at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles on Sunday for the Teen Choice Awards. Check out who took home the coveted...
Every Summer, movie goers around the globe anticipate being treated to an array of movie blockbuster experiences. Some movies strike gold, and build potential billion...
Crowds gathered on Hollywood Blvd. Monday night to catch a glimpse of the stars of Disney’s “Planes” walk down the red carpet at the El...
Celebrity trainer and creator of the popular fitness craze BUTI, Bizzie Gold, launched her high-end fitness studio, The Butik, on Thursday. The opening was a huge...
With the exception of a couple of superhero movies earlier in the summer, the summer block buster has been struggling, but “The Wolverine” is looking...
Shortly after some of the cast of “Guardians of the Galaxy” made a surprise appearance at Comic-Con last weekend in San Diego, Marvel confirmed another...
You know your film isn’t off to a good start when the first headlines revolve around it being booed at the Cannes Film Festival. As...