Selena Gomez has joined the cast of Universal’s “Neighbors 2.” Selena joins Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne, and Dave Franco for the sequel to...
It’s close to impossible to hear Wes Craven’s name without immediately picturing Freddy’s glove or the ghostface mask. Over the year’s Craven’s name has become...
With “Scream” about to wrap it’s first season on MTV, and “Scream Queens” about to air on FOX, it’s only natural for a film to...
The comedy Gods have come together and sent us what could be the next dynamic duo. During an interview discussing the last ‘Hunger Games’ film,...
Despite “Straight Outta Compton” 56% drop, the NWA biopic topped the domestic box office with $26.8 million, bringing it to ten-day total of $111 million....
The first trailer for Anton Corbijn’s (Control, The American, A Most Wanted Man) “Life” has been released. The film stars Dane DeHaan (The Amazing Spider-man...
Tom Hardy is no newbie to DC Entertainment movies (Dark Knight Rises, anyone?), so producing the film adaptation of “100 Bullets” should be an easy...
“I need six hundred dollars. Six hundred and thirty,” aren’t exactly the words most granddaughters use to greet their grandmothers, but average isn’t the forte...
What’s better than roses and chocolate on Valentine’s Day? Ryan Reynolds in a skin-tight costume, that’s what! No, we’re not going to discuss the disappointment...
It’s been more than a decade since audiences were introduced to the lovable and incredibly dense Derek Zoolander and after many rumors of a “Zoolander”...