“The Overnight” centers around Alex (Adam Scott) and Emily (Taylor Shilling), recent transplants from Seattle, as they settle into their new life in LA. When...
“Raw” and “Unflinching” get thrown around in coming-of-age film descriptions all the time, but “The Diary of a Teenage Girl” truly captures the experience of...
What do you get when you combine filmmaking, social media and 15-year-old girls? Well there are a lot of things you can get from that...
Emily Ting’s name has shown up in movie credits as a producer for years, but it wasn’t until recently that she decided to take a...
Whether or not director Ian Edelman was inspired by the Kanye West song when he came up with “Puerto Ricans in Paris,” the title of...
Director Ben Chace‘s new movie “Sin Alas,” isn’t just a film with a dreamy look into an aging writer’s past, it is also the first...
WARNING: SPOILER ALERT After posting a video of classmate Audrey (Bex Taylor-Klaus) making out with another girl, head of the mean girls, Nina (Bella Thorne),...
Co-written by Mapi Piña and Vanessa Soto Red lips emit sinister whispering into the ears of a captive female character. “Oh Allie…” the lips...
WARNING: SPOILERS Part mystery, part love story, director Ben Chace’s “Sin Alas” explores the labyrinths of our own memories. The film is set in Havana,...
It’s not an easy feat to build a love story around two characters who are never explicitly dating and never even kiss on-screen, but writer/director...